When did I become loves fool?
When did I trade in my sense of self for senseless selflessness?
Since when,
to unwilling participants?
It must’ve happened while I was asleep.
This charm of loves potential that I am
So enchanted with
So enamored with
I have completely lost myself.
All that I am, completely tossed aside
Because I’ve followed the scent trail of loves pie
What am I to be if not loved?
Who am I to be if not a giver of love?
What will become of me,
if I am not a haver of love?
Only fools attempt to grasp love like
It is some strange mirage
Like love is something you can work towards
Like love is a mountain you climb
And not all the times you trip during the trek.
Like love is not the view that makes the bruises seem worthwhile
Only fools believe love is something you must search for
Like it is missing.
Like we might be the first to discover it.
Like love is not in the food you consume and the food you deny yourself.
Like love is not thousands of years our senior
Like inhaling is not a thousand acts of love
And blinking a thousand more
No more!
The nonsense ends now
Hereby forth,
I become something entirely new,
no longer a loving fool!